Crawling Insects Control

Crawling insects spread in all regions of Amman and Jordan, where they can be found in houses and buildings and build nests there. Some types of insects pose a threat to human health as they sting, such as bed bugs, and some insects harm your property, such as termites. Therefore, our team always advise to contact a pest control company specialized in the field to treat the infestation immediately and prevent its aggravation.

Bash Services offers specialized solutions designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent pests from spreading an infestation within your house or workplace. Our use of integrated pest management techniques focuses on finding and treating the source of the pests.

termites control amman jordan , crawling insects  

termites control amman jordan

Termites Control

Termites are wood-eating insects that can cause severe damage in houses and other wooden structures. They are one of the most dangerous and most harmful insects as they build passages and entrances that are difficult to reach. Termites damage papers, books, and wood in buildings and libraries, and sometimes the infestation damages entire houses and furniture. Because of their different tendencies and behaviors, specific control procedures are used for each termite species.

Termite colonies contain three main social groups: workers, soldiers, and the reproductive group. The workers make up most of the colony, they have no wings, and they are the ones who damage the building. While soldiers have brown color, own wings, and an extended lower jaw. They are the ones who defend the colony from the attacks of aggressors such as ants. Those in the reproductive group have black or dark brown color and own two pairs of identical wings. Each colony has one or more queens whose primary function is to lay eggs to grow up the colony and support it with new members. Termites consist of three parts of the body: a head with a pair of antennae, a thorax, and an abdomen.

Ants control amman jordan , bash services

ants control amman jordan

Ants Control

Ants are generally considered more of a nuisance than a danger, although they can sting and bite but neither black ants nor garden ants cause disease. Ants travel extensively in searching of food, following paths they have created and then gather around the food, becoming a nuisance in many homes and businesses. Ants prefer to invade places where food abounds, such as homes, restaurants, factories, food sourcing warehouses, and gardens, in search of food and building nests. Most ant species prefer warm temperatures, and Jordan's climate is suitable for many of them.

What are ants?

They are highly social insects and live-in colonies consisting of a queen, female workers and males. The source of ants is determined by their species. Ants usually live and build their nests in outdoor mounds, in wooden structures, or in plants and trees. Ants generally range from 1/3 inch to 1/2 inch in length and they can be colored in black, red, brown, or yellow. An ant's body consists of three parts surrounded by an exoskeleton that protects its internal organs. It can feel changes in air pressure; perceive odors, and sense movement and vibrations. 

There are three types of adults living in a colony: the queen, the female workers, and the males. The queen is the largest ant in the colony, and the only ant capable of reproduction. There is usually only one queen in a colony, but some species of ants may have multiple queens.

​What are the most common ants in Jordan?

1. Garden ants 

Working length: 4-5 mm.
Length of queens: 15mm.
Color: dark brown or black color.

2. Ghost Ants 

Color: pale/transparent legs and abdomen.
Length: 1.6mm

3. Pavement ants

Color: dark brown or black.
Length: 3mm.

4. Pharaoh Ants 

Working length: 1.5 - 2 mm, yellow brown color with brown belly.
Male length: 3mm, black color, winged.
Length of queens: 3.5- 6mm, dark red color with wings.
The color of the eyes is black.

5. Argentine Ants

Length: 2.2 - 2.8 mm.
Color: Light brown to dark brown

6. Carpenter Ants 

Length: 3.4 - 13 mm
Color: The most common color is black, but some species have a reddish or yellowish tint. Color also varies between species, ranging from black to dark brown, red, yellow, orange, yellowish brown, or light brown.

7. Fire Ant

Length: 1.6 - 5 mm
Color: reddish

How to Control Ants?

If you find ants sneaking onto your site, there are steps you can take on your own to help fix the problem:

  • Remove any sticky residue from counter tops and tables; even a small crumb is enough to attract an army of ants! Ants are mostly attracted to sugar, biscuits, and cakes.
  • Clean the floors frequently while not skipping under furniture and electronic devices
  • Cover any food that attract ants, close it tightly, and put it in cupboards or in the refrigerator, not in an open space.

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مكافحة النمل - طرق التخلص و القضاء على النمل​​

bed bugs control amman jordan , pest control company

مكافحة البق مكافحة بق الفراش

Bed Bugs Control 

Bed bugs are oval and flattened insects, have 6 legs, and live on the blood of animals or humans, with a length of about 1/4 inch. They are reddish-brown in color, and turn reddish in color after feeding on blood, which can make them swell significantly. Bed bugs do not fly, but they can move quickly over beds, floors, walls, and ceilings. Bed bugs can mature in about 35 days. Then they live about seven to 12 months. This makes bed bugs difficult to remove without professional pest control company.

Bed bugs generally live on fabric, and they are found in houses, especially on mattresses, carpets, and sofas. It tends to adapt in cold and dark places and is attracted to the heat of the human body and the carbon dioxide that we release at night, and then it becomes active and feeds on human blood during sleep. Their flat bodies make it easy to hide in the layers of the mattress and make it difficult for us to find them easily unless inspected by a pest control specialist. Bedbugs’ infestation is not a sign of poor hygiene, you may find them in clean houses and hotel rooms, but the reason of the infestation is coming from outside, such as entering used furniture that carrying bugs or eggs, and then causing spread of infection.

What are the signs of bed bugs?

  • Bed bug bites: Bed bugs can cause painful bites, itchy and annoying rashes. Unlike flea bites found mainly around the ankles, bed bug bites appear on any area of the skin while you sleep. In addition, bedbug bites do not have a red dot in the center like those caused by fleas.
  • Blood spots on the mattress or pillows.
  • Dark spots caused by bed bug droppings on sheets and mattresses.

How to get rid of bed bugs?

Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pest problems that can’t be eliminated quickly. Trying to use bed bugs killers by your own is unsafe, because these materials are chemicals that must be applied by prior knowledge within instructions and precautions for use, so avoid using them by yourself completely. You should contact a pest control company that has extensive experience in the field, because bed bugs control requires deep knowledge in the materials and equipment used, and the method of treatment within safety standards.

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مكافحة بق الفراش - كيفية التخلص و القضاء على بق الفراش

مكافحة البق - خمسة حشرات تشبه بق الفراش

fleas control amman jordan

silverfish control amman jordan

Fleas Control​

There are many types of fleas, but most are 2-3 mm long. They are red, or brown in color, can jump and do not have wings. A female flea can lay around 18 eggs per day and more than 2,000 eggs per week. In all species of fleas, the females are larger than the males.

Fleas and ticks are a common problem in houses, especially for those with pets. Adult fleas live on the skin of animals or birds and feed on blood to survive. They have a mouth that allows them to draw blood.

The biggest concern about having it in your house or workplace comes from its bites. Although their bites are not painful, they can lead to itching or an annoying rash. Your pets can also have allergies, severe irritation and itching.

What are the most common fleas in Jordan?

1.The oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) is the flea responsible for the spread of bubonic plague.

2. The cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is a flea that feeds on cats, humans and dogs and is the most common fleas most likely to cause problems in your house

3. The dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) is a flea that targets dogs but is less common than the Cat Flea. Dog fleas also bite cats and people, and it is a parasite of many wild animals.

What are the signs of fleas in the house?

  • Black dots on carpets, furniture, fabrics, or on animal fur, as these dots are the flea droppings.
  • If you own cats or dogs, they will constantly scratch and bite themselves, especially in the areas of the neck, thighs, and around the tail.
  • A rash around your ankles
  • ​If you are allergic to flea bites, you may have severe itching, shortness of breath, and unexplained swelling.

​Not every insect on your animal is a flea... it may be a bird mite

They are parasitic insects, usually associated with bird nests, including pigeons, sparrows, and other wild birds. They have a transparent white color that change after feeding on the blood of birds or humans to reddish-brown or brown. Bird mites feed on human blood when there are no birds, and their bites can cause intense itching. When a bird leaves an infested nest, bird mites may enter the interior of the house or workplace, where they can spread the infestation. Identification of bird mites can be difficult because they are too small - less than 1 mm - means it is impossible to see them without a magnifying tool and they do not leave signs or spots.


 مكافحة البراغيث - كيفية التخلص و القضاء على البراغيث

cockroaches control amman jordan

cockroaches control amman jordan

Cockroaches Control

Cockroaches can be a major concern in many houses and businesses. Besides creating uncomfortable feeling, cockroaches carry many diseases and can cause serious health problems, especially when it comes to food safety. Cockroaches usually live-in confined spaces and tend to hide, so if you see one cockroach in the workplace or at home, there may be an infection at the site.

What are cockroaches?

Cockroaches are probably the oldest insect on Earth. There are about 4,600 species of cockroaches, about 30 of which live around humans while only four are the most common and most of us encountered.

What are the types of cockroaches?

The most common species found in Jordan are the American cockroach and the German cockroach, which are oval-shaped, have reddish-brown, and slender and spiny legs. American cockroaches are bigger than German cockroaches and can reach about an inch and a half in length.

Two others commonly found species are the brown-banded cockroach and the oriental cockroach.

Oriental cockroaches are usually slightly smaller, have a dark brown or black color, smooth and have a shiny body, and tend to be in wet areas while brown-banded cockroaches have a light brown color with light brown stripes on their wings and belly and prefer warmer areas. They are very similar to German cockroaches, but they tend to live outdoors.

How to control cockroaches?

Cleaning and disinfecting are always the earliest step to prevent cockroach infestation. Keep your home or workplace clean and pay special attention to the kitchen pest control experts recommend cleaning up surfaces continuously and keeping the site clear of food debris.

Pest control experts suggest focusing on any holes or cracks where cockroaches can enter from the outside. These holes and cracks can be found around windows and doors and needed to be sealed. In addition, keep your home or workplace free of clutter such as newspapers, magazines, and piles of paper.

Some commercial sectors face the problem of cockroaches more than others. Warehouses and packaging factories are a refuge for cockroaches, as they contain a high level of humidity, cardboard, and storage containers. Check the cardboard as soon as they enter the site and make sure that they do not accumulate and ventilate the place continuously. Restaurants are also a main target for cockroaches because of food residues and high humidity, so restaurants must be cleaned constantly.

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مكافحة الصراصير - كيفية التخلص و القضاء على الصراصير الامريكية

مكافحة الصراصير - كيفية التخلص و القضاء على الصراصير الالمانية

ticks control amman jordan

مكافحة القراد عمان الاردن

Ticks Control

​While fleas have 6 legs, adult ticks have 8 legs and they are around 1 inch long. Ticks belong to the family Arachnid, the same family of spiders. Unlike fleas, ticks do not jump, but can attach to fur, clothing, or skin. An adult female can consume 0.6 ml of blood or more and lay up to 5,000 eggs.

Ticks cause Lyme disease, a common disease that can affect the heart and nervous system, so the early detection is crucial.

What are the signs of ticks’ infestation?

Usually, the first sign is the insect itself. Secondary signs may include symptoms like fatigue, fever, headache, bones pain, and rash.


مكافحة القراد - كيفية التخلص و القضاء على القراد

silverfish control amman jordan

silverfish control amman jordan

Silverfish Control

​Silverfish are small, wingless, shiny, silvery, or pearly-grey insects with a slender and soft body. They range from 1/3 to 1/2 inch in length. Silverfish live in most environments but thrive in high humidity and can often be found in dark and humid areas. Silverfish hide during the day and come out at night in search of food and water such as kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and laundry rooms. It can damage paper, cardboard, clothes, carpets, cotton, linen, and other fabrics made of wool and silk, and it prefers carbohydrates such as starch, sugar, and grains. However, they can live for several months without food. Silverfish can be found everywhere but prefer to hide around windows, doors, and bathtubs.

Throughout adulthood, silverfish shed their skin, leaving small scales behind. The particles from these scales can mix with dust and trigger an allergic reaction for some people who are more sensitive to skin irritation.

How can you protect your house or workplace from silverfish?

  • Try to keep basements, toilets, and humid areas clean and dry.

  • Close the holes or cracks in the walls.

  • Inspect and maintain the sewage pipes and prevent leaks.

  • Clean the cupboards regularly.

What are the signs of silver fish infestation?

  • Yellow spots on clothes and fabrics​

  • Small holes along the edge of paper, books, or wallpapers..​


مكافحة السمكة الفضية - كيفية القضاء على السمكة الفضية

beetles control amman jordan

beetles control amman jordan

Beetles​ Control

There are over 300,000 species of beetles named by taxonomists. It is almost impossible to list all the species in the world and you don't need to identify all the different types of beetles but you have to know the most common types of beetles that may invade your home or workplace, including:

  • American spider beetles
  • Cigarette or tobacco beetles
  • Carpet beetles
  • Dried fruit beetles
  • Elm leaf beetles
  • Skin Beetles
  • Ground Beetles
  • Flour beetles

Beetles have antennae, a chewing mouth, and front wings like a shell. These wings are often very solid and look more like a shell than wings. The beetle folds the front wings so that it covers the hind wings as it is durable and waterproof and acts as protection against damage. Some beetles feed on stored grain and packaged foods, while others feed on garden plants, wood, or fabric.

In winter, seeking a shelter may bring the beetles indoors as some beetles spend the winter indoors to avoid cold weather. They may enter the house through cracks or holes around doors and windows. Beetles are mainly attracted to wood, furniture and pots of plants and tend to hide in these areas. Beetles are nuisance because they can damage food and property, clothing, plants, and furniture, and they are divided into three basic types that are common inside homes or offices:

  • Fabric destroying beetles​
  • Food beetles
  • Wood destroying beetles​

Unlike most beetles, many beetles are beneficial. The most important is the ladybird that feeds on plant pests such as aphids and mealy bugs.

Beetles can be difficult to identify because they come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. You may not be able to determine the type of beetle without getting help of a pest control professional but here are few things to look for to identify a beetle:

  • The beetle has three areas in the body: head, abdomen, and thorax. It also has six legs.
  • Beetles have two pairs of wings. The front wings are solid and look like a shell, while the second pair is folded under them.
  • All species of beetles have wings, but over time, these wings have become a protective outer covering the insects. This means that it is impossible for most beetles to fly, but there are very few species that can fly.
  • Beetles can also be distinguished from other insects by their mouthparts. The mouths of beetles are made for chewing and for self-defense, while the mouths of other insects are made for piercing the skin and sucking blood.


مكافحة الخنافس - دليلك في القضاء و التخلص من خنافس السجاد

moths control amman jordan

moths control amman jordan

Moths Control

Moths are a large group of insects which looks like butterflies, and they are among the most common living insects in the world. Moths may seem small and harmless, but they can cause severe damage to clothing, textiles, and stored products.

The most three common and well-known types of moths in Jordan:

House Moths

  • The larvae feed on textiles such as wool, leather, and feathers.
  • It is 8-14 mm long and has a brown color with three or four dark spots.

Clothes Moths

  • Clothes moths make irregular holes in fabrics.
  • It measures 6-8 mm in length and has straw-colored wings with no markings.

Food Moths

  • Food moths attack all grain products, flour, rice, dried fruits, pet foods, seeds, powdered milk, and nuts.
  • It can be up to 16 mm in length and has a reddish-brown wingspan with a copper sheen as well as gray stripes.

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