Termites Control

Termites are wood-eating insects that can cause severe damage in houses and other wooden structures. They are one of the most dangerous and most harmful insects as they build passages and entrances that are difficult to reach. Termites damage papers, books, and wood in buildings and libraries, and sometimes the infestation damages entire houses and furniture. Because of their different tendencies and behaviors, specific control procedures are used for each termite species. 

Termites are widespread in Amman and Jordan, and our team always advises to avoid treating termites without an engineering consultation and to immediately contact a pest control company specialized in termite control as soon as an infestation is discovered and prevent its aggravation.

Bash Services offers specialized solutions designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent pests from spreading infestation within your house or workplace. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding and treating the source of pests.

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About Termites​

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Termite colonies contain three main social groups: workers, soldiers, and the reproductive group. The workers make up most of the colony, they have no wings, and they are the ones who damage the building, while soldiers have brown color, own wings, and an extended lower jaw. They are the ones who defend the colony from the attacks of aggressors such as ants. Those in the reproductive group have black or dark brown color and own two pairs of identical wings. Each colony has one or more queens whose primary function is to lay eggs to grow up the colony and support it with new members. Termites consist of three parts of the body: a head with a pair of antennae, a thorax, and an abdomen.

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The most common termite species in Jordan

There are three different types of termites: Subterranean Termites , Dampwood Termites , and Drywood Termites .

1. Subterranean Termites

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Subterranean termites have a voracious appetite, and can cause significant damage to wooden structures – including your home. This species of termite builds tunnels (called mud tubes) in the soil beneath your property. These tunnels can branch upwards into any wood that makes contact with the soil, giving them potential access to your home. They can also build mudtubes from the soil, over concrete foundations or through cracks in the foundation to access the wood in the house. Once a termite colony takes root, these relentless pests can chew through that wood to create more tunnels and feed on the cellulose found in wood, potentially compromising the structural integrity of a building.

- Size: The size of a subterranean termite depends on its group. The workers are one-eighth to three-eighths of an inch long, as well as the soldiers, but with larger heads and a stronger lower jaw. Those in the reproductive group are about 1 inch long.

- Color: Workers are cream-colored and pale. Soldiers are also lighter in color, but have darker heads. Supplementary reproductives are this same opaque shade, but primary reproductives are brown or black.

2. Dampwood Termites

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Dampwood termites, as their name suggests, are commonly found in moist or rotting wood. They are typically larger than drywood or subterranean termites, ranging in size between one-half to nearly one-inch in length. Like other termites, they consume the cellulose found in wood. However, dead or rotting wood – or even gutters clogged with damp, rotting leaves – can provide a particularly hospitable environment with an ample moisture supply that's required for these pests to thrive. Dampwood termites do not create shelter tubes, as subterranean termites do, and can live completely within the wood that they are eating. These termites plug openings into the wood they are infesting with fecal pellets (or “frass") to preserve humidity levels. Their cryptic behavior can keep them from being discovered for years.

- Size: When it comes to sheer size, dampwood termites are the largest termites in North America. In contrast, their colony sizes are among the smallest. Kings and queens measure between one-half to five-eighths of an inch in length. Nymphs can also grow to be five-eighths of an inch long, while soldiers can grow up to three-fourths of an inch in length.

- Color: Dampwood termites are generally brown in color, but can range from dark to light, and can even be reddish, especially towards their abdomens. Nymphs are cream-colored.

3. Drywood Termites

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As in other species of termites, dry wood ants are organized into a caste system. Once the queen finds a good place for a colony (often in wooden structures), she chooses a mate or king and begins laying eggs. The eggs hatch and join the working caste that eats and destroys the wood and cares for the rest of the colony. Like other types of termites, this species eats cellulose found in wood and plants, and unlike subterranean ants, this species builds its nests in wood and not in soil. This is what makes wooden structures so attractive to them. Unlike subterranean termites, they do not need moist soil or nearby water to reproduce. These termites are often found in dry wood above ground level because they do not need water. The wood they eat provides the moisture they need to survive.

​- Size: Soldiers are usually three-eighths of an inch in length. Reproductive is one-half of an inch in length.

- Color: Dry wood termites are usually pale brown, although they can vary between dark brown and light yellowish. It has wings that can be clear or dark gray in color. Dry wood ants usually have the color of the wood they eat.

termites control Amman Jordan

How does a termite infestation looks like?

  1. Small holes in the wood
  2. After swarming, termites usually leave some of their wings behind. There may also be many of black or brown dead termites.
  3. Thin channels of mud
  4. A change in the shape of the wood surface
  5. Dry wood ants leave mounds of waste that look like sawdust or coffee grounds.

Important information!

You should pay close attention that the termites that emerge from the surrounding areas of the house, such as tree trunks and wooden piles, does not indicate that your home is infested with these insects from the inside.

But if you find winged termites near the foundation of the house or adjacent porches, there is a high chance that your house will be infected with this insect. Hence treatment in this case is necessary.

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get rid of termites

How to get rid of termites ?

Termites must be treated by trained specialists, as the wrong way to treat them may lead to their spread and exacerbate the problem. One of the most important ways to get rid of termites:

1. Liquid termite pesticides either by spraying the surroundings or by injecting the pesticide into the ground

2. Treating termites with powder​

3. Treating termites with gel​

4. Treating termites with foam​

To learn how to apply the methods above, watch the video.

Watch Video

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How can you prevent termites ?

1. Before construction, get rid of any cellulose materials and plant residues in the land that you will build on.

2. Let the specialists examine and inspect the land and treat it in case of injury, before you start building your property.

3. Use termite-resistant wood in areas where the wood must be in contact with the ground.

4. During and after construction, keep the soil around the foundation dry by monitoring drainage, checking, and maintaining pipes and drains, and keeping the site free of moisture.

5. Ensure that there is adequate drainage surrounding the foundation of the site.

6. Try to reduce as much as possible the openings that allow termites to reach the building structure by sealing cracks in the cement foundations.

7. Fix leaks immediately.​

8. Make sure you are not planting trees and plants near the building structure and do not allow them to grow on wooden surfaces

9. Remove cellulose materials such as sawdust and wood within 25 feet of the site.

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