Rodents Control

Rodents such as mice or rats are widespread throughout Amman and Jordan, where they can be found in warehouses, homes and buildings and build nests there. Rodents pose a threat to human health, and they damage property, gardens, and electrical wires, causing fires. Therefore, our team always advise to contact a pest control company specialized in the field to treat the infestation immediately and prevent its aggravation.

Bash Services offers specialized solutions designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent pests from spreading infestation within your house or workplace. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding and treating the source of pests.

rodents control

What are rodents?

Rodents are a group of annoying pests that include mice and rats. They can contaminate food, damage property, and spread disease. They are highly adaptable, so if a particular food source runs out, they will likely adapt to a new food source easily. In addition, they are mostly active at specific times of the day; after sunset and before sunrise – Hours during which most people are asleep. These factors make it difficult to control rats and mice.

Rodents are more than 40 percent of mammals. Although there are more than 2,230 species, only three species are commonly considered as major; Roof Rats, the Norway Rats, and the House Mouse.

In biology, both rats and mice are capable to transmitting disease to humans through their fur / hair, droppings, and urine. A single mouse can excrete 40 to 100 droppings per day.

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Rodents live in close with humans and tend to move to warmer areas during late fall or early winter and return to the outdoors in late spring or early summer.

They usually have a poor sense of vision, but they have acute sense of smell as well as touch, and taste, and they are generally good climbers, swimmers, and burrowers.

rodent control company

Types of Rodents

There are three common types of rodents:

  • Roof Rat

The Roof rat is slender and agile, able to climb into high places, and its tail is longer than the head and body combined. It may reach a total length of 13 to 17 inches. These rats' nests exist above ground and live in kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, stoves, fireplaces, under sinks, basements, garages, and attics. They prefer to feed on fruits and nuts.

  • Norway Rat

The Norway rat is larger and more aggressive than the Roof Rat. It has smaller eyes and ears, and its tail is shorter than the length of the head and body combined. It can reach a total length of 12 to 17 inches. Norway rats and their nests live in an underground burrow system and they are generally found in agricultural areas, creeks and sewers. It can also live in buildings, basements, waterfronts, and under wood piles. They feed on garbage and meat scraps, cereal grains, fruits and vegetables.

  • House Mouse

The house mouse is small and slender, with a tail that is longer than the length of its head and body combined. Its body size ranges from 6 to 7 inches. Its body color is grayish brown with a gray belly. House mice are agile climbers and can enter openings as small as ¼ inch in diameter. It eats many types of food but prefers seeds and grains.

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mouse control amman jordan 

What are the signs of rodent activity?

  • Damaged or partially eaten fruits and nuts, such as walnuts, oranges and avocados.
  • Signs of biting wood or rubber surfaces.
  • Marks on painted or wooden walls as a result of repeated contact with rat's oily fur.
  • Rodent droppings are usually signs of high rodent activity.
  • Burrows in the ground.
  • Noisy or gnawing noises.

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mice control amman jordan

What are the damages rodents can cause?

• Rodents can be highly destructive pests as they contaminate food and its surrounding as well as costly physical damage and fires from chewing electrical wires.

• Most importantly, rodents are carriers of many diseases. Rats and mice sometimes bite and this bite can lead to a serious disease if not treated, such as lymphocytic chorioamnionitis. This disease mostly affects those with weakened immune systems and may lead to headaches, fever, and meningitis.

• It can also cause complications during pregnancy. Some people may have an allergic reaction to rat droppings, which can cause asthma-related symptoms. It is not recommended to handle any wild rodents as they have large teeth and are capable of transmitting a variety of bacteria, viruses and diseases through saliva, feces and urine.

In biology, the most common diseases caused by rodents have been identified:

1. Salmonellosis

  • Food poisoning that may be transmitted when rodents defecate or urinate on food, dishes, floors, and every object human use.

2. Leptospirosis

  • It is caused by Treponema bacteria, which humans may become infected through the contact with water or ingestion of food contaminated with infected rat urine.

3. Rat typhus

  • It is caused by Rickettsia Typhi. It can be transmitted to rodents and then transmitted to human when flea-infected feces come into contact with human skin.

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Rodents control by Bash Services

Step 1: Inspect and detect

All areas that rodents can exploit to enter and infiltrate will be inspected. Next, we develop a customized plan that fits the size and nature of the site with considering other important details.

Step 2: Control and protect

Using methods including distribution of traps and baits, rodents will be controlled, and then actions are taken, especially in the entry points for rodents to keep intruding rodents away.

Step 3: Re-inspect and detect

Each visit, we will re-check all areas and check previously secured entry points.

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Prevent Rodent Infestation

Following preventive methods in pest control is an essential step to protect ourselves from pests and it’s a part of the Integrated Public Health Pest Control Management (IPM). The success of this system starts from how do behave in the site whether it’s a house or a workplace. These behaviors should include maintaining the cleanliness of the site and storing food. Keep any potential food sources away from rodents. Small food crumbs and remaining food are common sources of infestation. They must be kept in metal or glass containers, in addition to storing fruits and vegetables properly and throwing waste out continuously.