Light traps / Insect killers
What are light traps / insect killers ?
UV Light traps are widely employed to monitor and control flies in bakeries, restaurants and food processing plants and keep problems under control as long as adequate attention is paid to remove potential breeding sites.
Insect Glue Board Traps are a super-clean and convenient way to protect your home, business and customers from annoying and intrusive flying,buzzing pests. Glue board traps come in a range of sizes, power ratings and design options to suit all situations and decor.
Striking features of our light traps:
- High quality - French made.
- Our light traps have shatterproof lamps.
- Our light traps have LED bulbs and tubes. You can switch to UVA bulbs and tubes without changing your device.
- Variety of flying pests are targeted including flies, mosquitoes, midges, moths, wasps, etc.
- Ergonomically designed to compliment any environment - providing targeted fly protection and pest control options for residential and commercial sectors including manufacturing, industrial, hospitality,Pharma, Medical and office environments.
- A 5-year warranty for all light traps.
- Our light traps comply with HACCP international standards of food safety.
صاعق الذباب ، جهاز قاتل الحشرات الطائرة ، صاعق الناموس
- هو مصباح UVA (368 نانومتر) مزود بتقنية LED ومكفول لمدة 3 سنوات.
- تم اختبار الجاذبية في مختبرات المصنع ووجد أنها أكثر قدرة على جذب الحشرات بنسبة 115% من مصباح UVA FLUO (CFL UVA)
- تتيح تقنية Syltrap Helios® 5W توفير الطاقة بنسبة 75% مقارنةً بـ CFL 20W UVA.
UVAthena® LED tubes
- تحتوي نيونات UVAthena® LED على كثافة عالية من نقاط LED، مما يسمح بتوزيع أكثر تجانسًا لتدفق الضوء، مما له تأثير إيجابي على جذب الحشرات.
- تولد نيونات LED بقدرة 7 واط الخاصة بنا توفيرًا للطاقة بنسبة 50% مقارنة بنيونات الفلورسنت بقدرة 15 وات.